About Us

Anglers Alliance Tasmania Inc. (AAT) is the body representing the interests of all Tasmanian fresh water anglers. AAT is recognised by Government and as such receives financial assistance for administration from Government through the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS).

The current constituent membership of the Alliance includes:

  • Southern Tasmanian Licensed Anglers Association

  • Northern Angling Clubs

  • North West Fishing Association

  • Tasmanian Fly Fishing Clubs

  • Fishing Tackle Industry.

  • Three unattached and unaligned independent anglers.

Each organisation has two representatives, who can delegate other like members of their group, in the event of being unable to attend any meeting and these substitute members retain the voting rights for their group.

Independent angler representatives are selected through a public process bi- annually.

Full Committee meetings are held quarterly or as necessary and the day to day affairs of the Alliance are run by the Executive committee who meet monthly and direct the Executive Officer.

All members of the Alliance’s Committee welcome angler input on any recreational inland fishing matter. It should be in writing to GPO Box 963, HOBART TAS 7001 or emailed to anglersalliance@gmail.com.

All anglers, local and visitors alike are encouraged to make known their views and suggestions for a better Tasmanian fishing resource through Committee representation.


  • Over the last 11 years AAT has gained funding of over $900,000 for angler access projects which are project managed by IFS and now provide access to some 350kms of water on Brumbys Creek, the Leven, Meander, Macquarie, Lake, Huon, Tyenna, Mersey and South Esk Rivers.

  • These grants have also funded extensive Lake signage.

  • AAT has funded 11 webcams across Tasmania at Arthurs Lake, Great Lake, Penstock Lagoon, Little Pine Lagoon, Augusta Dam, Bronte Lagoon, Lake Burbury, Four Springs, Tooms Lake, Lake Leake and Lake Mackintosh

  • AAT has done a major review of inland water facilities, including boat ramps, and this along with specific funding applications to MAST has resulted in some major upgrades and new boat ramps.

  • AAT has been successful in gaining over $300,000 for the design and construction of 10 toilets that were built for the 2019 - 2020 World Fly Fishing Championships.